Untitled from katy castelan on Vimeo.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Yes, I know, we don’t all have it, but we can if we try! To some people, it may seem sort
of weird cheering on another team or helping their opponents but the truth is, that the more good things we do, the more good things will come to us. Really, it pays off, it may take a while but everything has it’s time you know?
Let me set you an example of good sportsmanship. First of all, only because you are playing against each other, doesn’t mean that you have to hate each other. I’ve seen this before, lots of times but you guys are all humans! You’re with a different team and you automatically hate each other? I don’t know about you but that just doesn’t seem right to me.
Don’t feel ashamed to cheer for the other team, if they’re doing a good job, i think they deserve an encouragement, and I’m pretty sure you do too but u have your team to cheer for so you would feel kinda lame cheering for the opponent right? It doesn’t matter though, you know they’re doing a good job so get to your feet and give them an applause or something!
Never, I repeat, never make fun of a teammate or somebody elses teammates in that fact, it’s not polite and you may be in opposing sides but you are all truly considered teammates. Be a good sport, no matter what the outcome of the game is, you should not get mad if you loose the game and you also should not rub it in your apponents face if you will and make them feel less of themselves, they played a good game as well as you did
You will truly feel good about yourself afterwards that you did such a good job and that everybody played fair and you all had fun, after all, it is what it’s all about
Thursday, May 12, 2011
So Long HP!!! :(

So the decision was made, hp no more!
I honestly don't see how this is suppose to make our grades any better, it's going to be the same.
So the walk was for nothing but at least we stood up for our school.
What gets me mad is that people are saying rude things about us and how we are stupid kids and stuff like, that we only wanted to ditch class, it was reeeeealy hot outside!
Why would anybody want to ditch to walk like 10 miles in the hot sun!
I do have to say that some people did leave us after 2 blocks but for the rest, ditching was not the reason to leave school.
I have to say that i liked coming to HP and things are going to be a lot different but i guess there's nothing we can do about it. :(
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sportsmanship At The Diamond
That video was nice, I would say. I didn't really see that coming, people from the other team actually wanting to help the opponent. I have to say that I really never seen that ever so its nice to know that there are people like that out there and not everybody has eyes on the prize, unless the prize is trying to help somebody and feeling good about themselves then, yes I would say that they are the true winners. Not only did Liz and Mallary help her get to home base but they also helped her reach her goal, and it's really nice that this is going to be one of Sarah's most memorable goals in her life, not just because she actually accomplished it but she did it in a strange way, that was really nice of the girls to do something like that. ^_^
Friday, May 6, 2011
Back To School!!!
So vacation was nice. :)
But now B-Track (me) is back in school, and time to get ready to hit the books...again! :\
Oh well, during vacations, I went to the eye doctor and it turns out I need glasses, so now I have glasses, yucky! :P
I went to go visit my mom in Pennsylvania, it was fun! I got over my fear of planes :0, and sucked it up and went out there ha!
So I arrive at Philadelphia (nice city) and I'm kinda lost in the airport, but I figured it out after a while. 
I went to Gettysburg National Park, it's like really old and stuff, the Civil War took place there and they really didn't bother to remodel it or anything haha!

Something really interesting that I learned is that they don't sell hot cheeto fries in Norristown, well I don't know if it's a fact but when i went over there, I didn't see ONE bag of fries! Isn't that crazy!? XP

It was planned that we would go to Time Square but next thing you know, my mom lost her baby...again :(

I really wished that I could have stayed with her longer because this isn't the first time it happens, in fact it's the fourth time it happens, I would say I was even lucky to have been born!
The weather in Pennsylvania was bipolar, first it will be perfect weather, then raining like crazy, then super hot!

When I got back, I had to start packing because I'm moving, still going to be coming to HP. I'm soooo tired, lately, we have been in our new house making sure that every single space is spotless! But I guess at the end it's all going to pay off, at the end of a whole day of hard work, I dive in the pool :)

Something really interesting that I learned is that they don't sell hot cheeto fries in Norristown, well I don't know if it's a fact but when i went over there, I didn't see ONE bag of fries! Isn't that crazy!? XP
It was planned that we would go to Time Square but next thing you know, my mom lost her baby...again :(
I really wished that I could have stayed with her longer because this isn't the first time it happens, in fact it's the fourth time it happens, I would say I was even lucky to have been born!
The weather in Pennsylvania was bipolar, first it will be perfect weather, then raining like crazy, then super hot!
When I got back, I had to start packing because I'm moving, still going to be coming to HP. I'm soooo tired, lately, we have been in our new house making sure that every single space is spotless! But I guess at the end it's all going to pay off, at the end of a whole day of hard work, I dive in the pool :)
Monday, February 28, 2011
A 300 hundred-word document? Of my choice? I don’t really know what to write about so I’m just going to write about something random, like…today is my mom’s birthday, she is in Pennsylvania at this time so I’m really sad that I don’t get to be with her for her special day, nothing really going on over there, that sucks.
She’s only on her way to the therapy thingy because she fell a couple of weeks ago while she was working, she lost her baby ); That’s really sad because I was really looking forward to having a little brother or sister, I already have a little sister but I wanted a baby one . I know it’ll grow but at least they get to be babies for a little while. Most importantly, she was really looking forward to having another kid, because of the fact that my older sister and I aren’t with her right now. I’m planning to go visit her this vacation and to see how she’s doing. I talked to her this morning, she was surprised that I remembered that it was her birthday, why wouldn’t I??? She’s my mom!
Anyways yea, so I have never been on a plane and I’m really terrified of planes because of the fact that I watch too many scary plane movies but I’m willing to risk all of it to go visit my mom. I still haven’t got my ID, I went to the DMV a couple of weeks ago to get it and it’s still not here, they said 35 to 45 days and it’s been a while!! I should put a complaint to this!
So yeah, I’m really excited to go to Pennsylvania, not the plane part though, like I said too many plane movies like the twin towers one with the terrorist and stuff, and snakes on a plane, I’m not so scared of snakes, in fact I like them, but too many gives me the creeps. So I’m just gonna have to get over my “plane fright” and get on that plane. Hopefully there aren’t any terrorist, now THAT is what I’m most afraid of!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Wellness, Health, And Fitness
Wellness, Health, And Fitness
All of these are important to us equally. We need all and every of these things for success. By wellness, means that you have to be well in all of your states like mental wellness, emotional wellness, physical wellness, financial wellness, social wellness, etc. What this means is that you have to be good in all of these things, master them. In order to communicate you have to have social wellness. In order to do something that requires a lot of movement, you have to have physical wellness. You get the idea, so in order to be successful, this is a very important thing to remember and to master.
You have to have good health in order to be successful also because if you were to be sick and home in bed, you wont be able to go out and do things for yourself. You have to have other people do things for you and you wont become successful. If you want to maintain good health, then what you have to do is eat healthy foods, go out and get some exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Be healthy and successful by doing this stuff and he happy!
What fitness wellness means is not only things like exercising, yes it includes that, but it also means things like to have the fitness to socialize, to move around, to be able to talk to big crowds and do presentations without feeling stage fright or any of that stuff for that matter. You have to be able to do all of that stuff without a problem and yes you do have to have you exercise and eat healthy but this also matters and a lot, but you also have to focus on this other things. So you see that all of these things matter equally, you can’t have more of one thing than the other or else it won’t equal out. So make sure you have all of these things in order to be successful
All of these are important to us equally. We need all and every of these things for success. By wellness, means that you have to be well in all of your states like mental wellness, emotional wellness, physical wellness, financial wellness, social wellness, etc. What this means is that you have to be good in all of these things, master them. In order to communicate you have to have social wellness. In order to do something that requires a lot of movement, you have to have physical wellness. You get the idea, so in order to be successful, this is a very important thing to remember and to master.
You have to have good health in order to be successful also because if you were to be sick and home in bed, you wont be able to go out and do things for yourself. You have to have other people do things for you and you wont become successful. If you want to maintain good health, then what you have to do is eat healthy foods, go out and get some exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Be healthy and successful by doing this stuff and he happy!
What fitness wellness means is not only things like exercising, yes it includes that, but it also means things like to have the fitness to socialize, to move around, to be able to talk to big crowds and do presentations without feeling stage fright or any of that stuff for that matter. You have to be able to do all of that stuff without a problem and yes you do have to have you exercise and eat healthy but this also matters and a lot, but you also have to focus on this other things. So you see that all of these things matter equally, you can’t have more of one thing than the other or else it won’t equal out. So make sure you have all of these things in order to be successful
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Ever wonder how and when skateboarding started?
Skateboarding was invented in the 1950's by some surfers that didn't have any waves to ride so they decided to make boards with wheels so that they can ride on the concrete. After the waves came back, some skaters still rode their skateboards and others went back to surfing. All of the skateboards where home made so they weren't as popular but still very popular. People started to see how much people liked these skateboards and they started to make companies that will sell them things for their skateboards because most skateboard parts were hard to find. This gave skateboards a really big boost in popularity.
Skateboarding was invented in the 1950's by some surfers that didn't have any waves to ride so they decided to make boards with wheels so that they can ride on the concrete. After the waves came back, some skaters still rode their skateboards and others went back to surfing. All of the skateboards where home made so they weren't as popular but still very popular. People started to see how much people liked these skateboards and they started to make companies that will sell them things for their skateboards because most skateboard parts were hard to find. This gave skateboards a really big boost in popularity.
Lords of Dogtown, Cool movie<3
Monday, February 14, 2011
My Interest and Hobbies
A couple of my activities are, skating, bike riding, and skateboarding.
I recently started skateboarding because when I was in 6th grade, my friend had got me a skateboard and I was skating since but then my skateboard snapped and my mom didn’t want to buy me one afterwards because “I didn’t take care of my stuff”. But things like that happen, and mostly when you try to do some cool new tricks.
I like listening to music, my personal favorite if alternative, and rock. Ex. The Strokes, The Beatles, Cheap Trick, The Fray, Kings Of Leon, Nirvana, The Offspring, Sublime, Radiohead, etc. I like to go to, I’m not a party animal but I do like to have fun once in a while. I like going to Venice <3. I like to swim and just go out and have fun.
I have a boyfriend named Jose but everybody just calls him Kitty (or Kiddie) for a dumb reason that started a long time ago. I have been with him for 7 months already (going to 8 this month J). Him and I have been through a lot of things and I appreciate that he hasn’t left my side. We like to go out and have fun, when we have fun together we are making memories. It’s nice to know that he’s always there.
I like going out with friends pretty much anywhere, but it’s really hard for me to convince my dad to let me go out because I was raised without my dad and he still treats me like I’m 5 but he’ll catch up…eventually. Well there’s still a lot to list of all these hobby thingies and what not but I guess I’ll just stop right here since we only got like 300 words, not like it’s limited but yea I guess I’ll stop typing now…I passed the limit, oh well. J 327 words ok? Yea no? OK. Oh and Happy Valentine’s Day! <3
Friday, February 4, 2011
Tyler Haws
Very inspirational. But honestly, the only way to do this is to practice, and practice hard! He wasn't born a good basketball player, he had to become one. The way he did that was but setting his mind to it and practicing a lot. He gets up in the morning and practices, he accomplished this by making that his number 1 priority and not letting anything get in the way. People would think that only because his dad was good basketball player, that he was a good basketball player as well, but Tyler worked hard for this because he looked up to his dad and wanted to follow his foot steps. He wanted something and he did everything he can to accomplish it.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I think it's very funny how everything works out and turns out to be. One day your in your school gym practicing some hoops and the next somebody is making a movie out of your life. Jason's story inspired me a little, knowing that anything is possible. I bet he didn't know what was coming, he was prepared but he didn't know exactly what was going to happen and ow it was going to work out for him. Jason tried and and tried and didn't give up and look where it got him. This just proves that anything is possible and you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. You just have to try hard and don't give up when things get more difficult, that just makes you stronger.
What Does My Name Mean?
The meaning of the name Katy is Pure, Unsullied.
The origin of my name is English.
Other ways of spelling my name is Caity, Catie, Or Katie.
My name can also be a short way of saying Katherine of Catherine.
Here are some songs with my name in it:
- Congratulations Smack and Katy-Reggie and the Full Effect
- Daylight Katy-Gordon Lightfoot
- Katy Daley trad. bluegrass, performed-Ralph Stanley, among others
- Katy Too-Johnny Cash
- Katy Went Fishing with Her Hook and Line-Hobart Smith
- Katy Song-Red House
- Katy Perry (Pop Singer) and Katy b (English Writer) are some
- famous people with my name! :D
Friday, January 28, 2011
My Singing Career...
This post would of been all about my singing career, if i had one. Let me tell you about the time where i had the opportunity to be successful but didn't take my chances, all because i was too scared.
September 2009, freshmen year in my other school Mountain View High School.
My mom had some friends who worked in a recording studio and she would go visit them while i was in school, on a "no school" day, she decided to take me with her to the studio, just because. When we got there, i was a little shy with every one but eventually got comfortable being around them. Next thing you know, my mom starts telling them about my singing "passion", one of the guys got a little curious and ask me if i can sing something for them and at first i didn't want to but decided that there was no harm. So i went into the studio and i put on those headphones and started to sing. So this went on for days, i would go into the studio, sing a little, then leave. Until one day, some of them decided that i was ready to take the next step, and in my head i was thinking "what step? i thought we were just messing around in the studio with the sing and what not", but no, these people don't mess around. They wanted my to get in the studio while they call there boss and see if he likes it. So they called the boss, i was singing and one guy put the phone right next to the speaker where my voice was coming out of! That made me nervous that i almost forgot the lyrics to the song i was singing. After they had finished talking to the boss, they called me out and they told me that he was coming in on thursday, and that very important people were gonna be here. At the time i was like "no problem." When the day came, they called me and asked "are you ready? we're gonna go pick you up now", and i replied with the most dumbest thing ever, "i don't feel like going no more." How crazy is that? They asked me if i was sure a couple of times before they hung up and afterwards i felt like a loser! I felt really bad because all of those people would of gotten in trouble because of me, they made the boss waist his time by coming all the way over there to hear nothing. I feel like if i made the biggest mistake in my life. Now i spend my days wondering what it would of been like if i went for it.

If you ever get an opportunity like this, don't miss out on it, don't be afraid of what other people might think of you and just go for it. It's better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all because you know what happened and you're not wonder what COULD of happened.
September 2009, freshmen year in my other school Mountain View High School.
My mom had some friends who worked in a recording studio and she would go visit them while i was in school, on a "no school" day, she decided to take me with her to the studio, just because. When we got there, i was a little shy with every one but eventually got comfortable being around them. Next thing you know, my mom starts telling them about my singing "passion", one of the guys got a little curious and ask me if i can sing something for them and at first i didn't want to but decided that there was no harm. So i went into the studio and i put on those headphones and started to sing. So this went on for days, i would go into the studio, sing a little, then leave. Until one day, some of them decided that i was ready to take the next step, and in my head i was thinking "what step? i thought we were just messing around in the studio with the sing and what not", but no, these people don't mess around. They wanted my to get in the studio while they call there boss and see if he likes it. So they called the boss, i was singing and one guy put the phone right next to the speaker where my voice was coming out of! That made me nervous that i almost forgot the lyrics to the song i was singing. After they had finished talking to the boss, they called me out and they told me that he was coming in on thursday, and that very important people were gonna be here. At the time i was like "no problem." When the day came, they called me and asked "are you ready? we're gonna go pick you up now", and i replied with the most dumbest thing ever, "i don't feel like going no more." How crazy is that? They asked me if i was sure a couple of times before they hung up and afterwards i felt like a loser! I felt really bad because all of those people would of gotten in trouble because of me, they made the boss waist his time by coming all the way over there to hear nothing. I feel like if i made the biggest mistake in my life. Now i spend my days wondering what it would of been like if i went for it.
If you ever get an opportunity like this, don't miss out on it, don't be afraid of what other people might think of you and just go for it. It's better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all because you know what happened and you're not wonder what COULD of happened.
Freedom, when you first see this word you might think open fields, rule less, and doing what ever you want. Yes it means all of these things but it not only means physical freedom, it also mean spiritually. If you wish to be free, you have to choose the right in everything you do because only then will you BE free, and not only feel free. Just yesterday, I was in the car with my family and a UPS truck passed by and the back gate was open and all of their delivery packages where falling out of the truck and I told my dad to stop so we can pick them up. After we did, we followed the UPS truck and made stop and we gave them back their packages. I think I would have felt a lot different if I would of kept them, I felt good when we gave back the packages. I put myself in the person who’s package that was and I thought that if I was them, I wouldn’t of liked that somebody found my packages and didn’t return them, so now I’m glad that that person received their packages. Like I said, spiritually, not physically. I DID feel the freedom when I returned the packages. So if you choose the right, you will feel freedom, but if you choose the wrong, then most likely you will feel trapped and no so very good. So that’s why when you choose the right you will feel freedom.
“There is a difference in feeling free and being free, in order to BE free, you must always choose the right.”
--Katy Castelan
Concerts AND New Album!!!
The first concerts of the year are here!!!
March 12, 2011 | Las Vegas, NV | The Chelsea @ The Cosmopolitan
July 16, 2011 | Lisbon, Portugal | Super Bock, Super Rock
July 14-17, 2011 | Benicassim, Spain | Benicassim Festival
August 13, 2011 | Tokyo, Japan | Summer Sonic
I don't know about you guys but I'm going to the one in Japan.... :) just kidding
Oh and their new album "Angels" is being released on March 2nd.
They have a new single titled "Under Cover of Darkness", you will be able to here this song in the radio on February.
This album is gonna be their first new release since 2006's "First Impressions of Earth".
"Is This It" 2001
"Room On Fire" 2003
The tracks in this new album are:
1. Machu Picchu
2. Under Cover of Darkness
3. Two Kinds of Happiness
4. You're So Right
5. Taken For A Fool
6. Games
7. Call Me Back
8. Gratisfaction
9. Metabolism
10. Life Is Simple In The Moonlight
REMEMBER, in stores on March 22nd!!!!
The first concerts of the year are here!!!
- August 14, 2011 | Osaka, Japan | Summer Sonic
I don't know about you guys but I'm going to the one in Japan.... :) just kidding
Oh and their new album "Angels" is being released on March 2nd.
They have a new single titled "Under Cover of Darkness", you will be able to here this song in the radio on February.
This album is gonna be their first new release since 2006's "First Impressions of Earth".
"Is This It" 2001
"Room On Fire" 2003
The tracks in this new album are:
1. Machu Picchu
2. Under Cover of Darkness
3. Two Kinds of Happiness
4. You're So Right
5. Taken For A Fool
6. Games
7. Call Me Back
8. Gratisfaction
9. Metabolism
10. Life Is Simple In The Moonlight
REMEMBER, in stores on March 22nd!!!!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Julian Casablancas made a solo album called "Phrazes For The Young."
One of my favorite songs of his solo album is called "I'll Try Anything Once", this song is slow and low, some parts of this song are parts of their other song called "You Only Live Once", that song is cool too. :)
Some people were thinking that Julian was being selfish because he was making a solo album and excluding all the other band members. I actually think the total opposite, Julian is actually a very caring person. He is cool, funny, and awesome! I guess people just feel intimidated with all of this. This album, however, only contains eight songs. To celebrate his album going out for sale, Julian played a lot of shows in November in L.A. The album was #35 in the US billboard top 200 and #19 in the UK charts.
One of my favorite songs of his solo album is called "I'll Try Anything Once", this song is slow and low, some parts of this song are parts of their other song called "You Only Live Once", that song is cool too. :)
Friday, January 14, 2011
This band was formed in 1998 in New York city, members are Julian Casablancas, Nikolai Fraiture, Nick Valensi, Fabrizio Moretti, and Albert Hammond Jr.
Julian Casablancas

Julian Casablancas
Born in New York, August 23, 1978, lead singer and song writer. He made a solo album called “Phrazes For The Young” and was released in November 3, 2009 here in the US. He plays keyboards, guitar, bass, drums, guitar synthesizer, and a mouth harp. His dad is John Casablancas, the founder of Elite Model Management, and his mom is a former Danish model. He got married to The Strokes’ former assistant manager, Juliet Joslin on February 5th of 2005 and they had a son on January 2010 and named him Cal. J
Nikolai Fraiture
Born in New York, November 13, 1978. He plays the bass and also does vocals in The Strokes. His mom is russian and his dad is french. He got his first bass when he was 18 as a graduation present from his grandpa. He did an act called Nickel Eye once but later on got introduced to The Strokes. He met Julian while going to school at Lycee Francais de New York. He also attended Hunter College.
Nick Valensi

Born in New York, January 16, 1981. He is the guitarist in The Strokes, he also plays the keyboards and does backing singing. Nick is Jewish, his dad was born in Tunisia and his mom is french. In 2006 he married his girlfriend, Amanda de Cadenet, Valensi describes his wife as the coolest person he knows. He has fraternal twins, Silvan and Ella on October 19, 2006. He was involed with lots of other artist like Devendra Banhart, Sia, Regina Spektor, and more.
Fabrizio Moretti
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 2, 1980, he is the drummer and he also does backing vocals. He was also involed with other artist like Rodrigo Amarante and Neon Neon. Italina mom and Brazilian dad, he moved to New York City when he was four. Instead of staying for only three years, he ended up staying for seventeen and later attended Dwight School with Nikolai and Julian. He dated actress Drew Barrymore in 2002 for 5 years.
Albert Hammond, Jr
Born in L.A, April 9, 1980. Albert was the only one who joined The Strokes in 1999 and all the other members joined in 1998. He plays the guitar and vocals, also occasional lead. He is also a solo musician, The Beach Boys, Buddy Holly, Frank Black, Guided by Voices, John Lennon, Matthew Sweet, Television, and The Velvet Underground are his major infulences. He met Julian when he was sent to school in the Institut Le Rosey in Switzerland when he was 13. Hammond plays a lot of solos in lots of the songs too. He occasionally helps Julian with the song writing.
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